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What kind of condition is your Acura in right now? While you may have some idea, you probably don’t know the entire story. This is where regular Acura car inspections come in. They allow technicians to closely examine the major systems in your car to make sure everything is in good shape.

Checking the Tires

The treads of your tires will be looked at to make sure they’re deep enough to offer adequate traction. The air pressure will be gauged and, if it’s too low, more will be added. If it has been a while since your tires were rotated, this task can be performed.

Looking at the Fluids

The transmission, power steering, and brakes are just some of the parts in your car that run on fluids. These will be examined to ensure that they are at the right levels and topped off if necessary. You can also get your oil changed if it is due.

Testing the Battery

As we head towards the cold season in Wilkes-Barre, it’s very important that your battery is up for the challenge. Testing it will let you know how much charge it has left. If it’s on the low side, you should consider replacing it.

Examining the Braking System

Your braking system is comprised of many different parts, and they all need to be in fine working order. If your brake pads are getting thin or perhaps a rotor is wearing out, you’ll be able to proactively make a replacement.

If your car hasn’t been inspected in a while, make an appointment with the service center at MotorWorld Acura to have it looked at by the pros.

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